Is VAT included?
Yes! For backers who are located in the regions where we offer Custom Friendly Shipping (US, CA, EU, UK, AU), any VAT or import taxes are already included in the shipping price for those regions.
Last updated: January 19, 2021 15:18
I have backed 1€. Will I have access to the PM to upgrade my pledge?
Yes! The pledge manager will go live after the KS campaign and you will be able to upgrade your pledge. However, please, consider that upgrading your pledge from this level after the campaign will be integrated as “late pledge”, so the price for the pledge will be slightly higher (you can expect a 10€-20€ increase).
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:15
How can I get multiple copies?
There are two ways you can do this:
1) Pledge the total amount here and then choose the amount of copies during the pledge manager
2) Pledge for 1 copy here and then add as many additional copies as you want during the pledge manager.
Last updated: January 19, 2021 15:19
I have backed at Core Pledge level. Will I be able to upgrade my pledge during the Pledge Manager?
Yes! The pledge manager will go live after the KS campaign and you will be able to upgrade your pledge. If you pledged at Core Pledge level or higher, the price of the pledges will be the same as on KS.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:15
How can I add Add-Ons to my pledge?
To add Add-Ons to your pledge:
1) click ‘Manage Your Pledge’ at the top of the campaign screen.
2) click ‘Change Your Pledge’
3) Add the value of your add-ons to your previous pledge value. E.g Core pledge (139€) + Venom Expansion (39€) = 178€
4) Click continue and confirm and then you’re all set! You will be able to define which add-ons you want in the pledge manager.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
What is the scale of the miniatures?
35mm for the Hunters, while monsters goes from 60mm up to 145mm.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Do the minis come pre-assembled?
Yes, all miniatures come pre-assembled.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Is the campaign mode of the game replayable?
Yes, the campaign mode is fully replayable. With only one run you will have experienced only a portion of the gameplay content.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
What is the shipping estimate of the All-in pledge?
We expect it will roughly add 10€ to the estimate shipping cost of your region. Please note that this price difference is again an estimate, based on the prices given to us by our hubs.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
What happens if I receive the game and a model or other game component is missing or damaged?
If you find a damaged component or (worst case) a missing component, we would provide a replacement for that component.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Will the game be available in different languages?
The game will be in english only since the costs of a localization for such a big game would require extremely large production volumes. We will do our best to offer digital translations and we will keep the community updated on that!
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Will the game be available at retail?
Our plans include a future worldwide retail distribution of the game based on the success of the KS campaign. However, the development of eventual retail channels is currently put on hold and postponed to months after the Kickstarter campaign. All our energies are invested in making the KS edition of the game as perfect as possible for our backers.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
How is the Kickstarter edition of the game different from the one that will be available at retail?
The retail version will not contain Stretch Goals and it will probably be very different in terms of content with respect to the Kickstarter edition. Also, the MSRP of the game is much higher than the price we are offering in this KS campaign.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Is there any option for retailers?
If you are a retailer and you are interested in supporting Primal: The Awakening, please sign up to our dedicated mailing list at this form:
Given the cost and the size of this project we decided to wait after the completion of the KS to handle retail offers based on the requests we receive.
How does it work?
Simple, after the KS campaign retailers on our mailing list will be sent a survey including all information on our retail offer.
Through the survey we will verify the following eligibility proof: - Verifiable store Name, address, phone number - Business License/Registration - EIN/Tax ID number
Once completed the survey, if you will be interested in our offer, you will have access to our pledge manager and you will have the chance to pre-order the game.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Do you have plans for a standee version of the game?
Unfortunately we are not in the position to offer a standee version of the game for mainly two reasons:
First of all, the miniatures are an important part of the game experience. Their 3D aspect is fundamental to represent and make the player “feel” the different sectors on the board. A standee would hardly fit this system. It would be possible, of course, but the game experience wouldn’t be aligned with our original vision of the game.
The production cost for this game is crazy high and it requires a large order volume (which is in contrast with the idea to split the components into different versions of the game).
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
Shipping - Is there a list of the "most European countries" indicated in the shipping section?
UK, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Denmark, and Poland.
Last updated: February 01, 2021 13:16
What is BackerKit?
BackerKit is a service that crowdfunded project creators use to keep track of hundreds to tens of thousands of backers—from shipping details, pledge levels, preferences and quantities, whether they have paid or had their card declined, special notes, and everything in between!
The BackerKit software and support team is independent from the campaign’s project team—BackerKit does not handle the actual reward shipping. For more information about the preparation or delivery status of your rewards, please check the project's updates page.
How does BackerKit work?
After the campaign ends, the project creator will send you an email with a unique link to your survey. You can check out a walkthrough of the process here.
I never received my invitation. How do I complete the survey?
The most common reasons for not receiving a survey email is that you may be checking an email inbox different from the email address you used to sign up with Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account, or it may be caught in your spam filter.
Confirm that the email address you are searching matches the email address tied to your Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Tilt Pro account. If that doesn’t work, then try checking your spam, junk or promotions folders. You can also search for "backerkit” in your inbox.
To resend the survey to yourself, visit the project page and input the email address associated with your Kickstarter, Indiegogo or Tilt Pro account.
How do I update my shipping address?
BackerKit allows you to update your shipping address until the shipping addresses are locked by the project creator. To update your address, go back to your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.
When will my order be shipped, charged or locked?
That is handled directly by the project creator. BackerKit functions independently of the project itself, so we do not have control of their physical shipping timeline. If you want to check on the project’s status, we recommend reading over the project's updates page.
I completed the survey, but haven't received my rewards yet. When will they arrive?
As BackerKit does not actually handle any rewards or shipping, the best way to stay updated on the shipping timeline would be to check out the project's updates page.